我們愿同…… we have every intention to.../would like to.../stand ready to...
來而不往非禮也 It’s impolite not to make a return for what one receives.
我們會奉陪到底 We will fight to the end.
不要撿了芝麻丟了西瓜 do not be penny wise and pound foolish
無視 act in disregard of...
夜郎自大 be a little bit too arrogant
任性妄為 recklessness and willfulness
消費者剩余 consumer surplus
執意推動 persistence in advancing...
一貫的無知和傲慢 habitual ignorance and arrogance
充分反映 give a full expression to...of...
相由心生 one’s mentality will determine how he perceives the world
患難與共 share weal and woe
在……期間/在……解決之前 pending...
對……進行坦誠交流 have candid exchange on...issue
從一個側面印證了 shed light on the....
表達了擔憂 concerns have been voiced on...
令世界感到擔心 be worrisome to the world
特別強調 stress in particular that...
在……存在缺陷 fall short in...
向……施壓 impose pressure on...
橫加指責 point fingers at...
以鄰為壑 profit oneself at the expense of the neighbor
在……之后/緊隨…… in the wake of...
一前一后地/協力地 in tandem with...
嚴正立場 stern position
東亞暨太平洋事務局 Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs
全美零售商協會 the National Retail Federation
美國信息技術產業理事會 the Information Technology Industry Council
各方都很關注美國與中國貿易摩擦問題 everyone is following the issue of the US trade frictions with China
總攬全局、銳意進取、開拓創新 bear the larger picture in mind, forge ahead with determination and blaze new trails
全方位統籌協調 comprehensive planning and coordination
處于歷史最好水平 at its historical best
世界知識產權組織 World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
削減貿易順差 reduce trade surplus
以WTO規則為主題的多邊貿易規則 multilateral trade regime centered around the WTO rules
歷史已經證明,貿易戰不符合任何一方利益。 History teaches us that trade was is in the interest of no one.
以建設性的方式妥善處理……問題 the...problem/issue would be properly and constructively addressed/resolved
韓國統一部 ROK Ministry of Unification
反壟斷監管部門 anti-trust regulator
商業個案 individual commercial case
中智戰略伙伴關系 China-Chile comprehensive strategic partnership
美國繼任國務卿蓬佩奧 succeeding Secretary of State Mike Pompeo
人事更迭 personnel change
重大人員傷亡和財產損失 heavy casualties and property loss
慰問電 message of condolences
總督 governor-general
中國紅十字會 China Red Cross Society
加入/擔任……任務 pitch into...
中鐵國際工程隊 China Railway Construction Engineering Group
共克艱難/共渡難關 tide over crisis together with...
春江水暖鴨先知。When the river becomes warm in spring, the duck would be the first to know.
債務問題嚴重/負債累累 debt-ridden
主要債權方 main creditor
經濟起飛階段 stage of economic takeoff
工業化起步階段 initial stage of industrialization
自身“造血”功能 self-driven development
公私合營 Public-Private Partnership (PPP)
恐怖主義融資 terrorism financing
全天候戰略合作伙伴 all-weather strategic cooperative partner(中國-巴基斯坦)
擱置 put a hold on...
規避制裁 circumvent sanctions
德國社民黨 Germany’s Social Democratic Party
聯盟黨 Christian Democratic Union of Germany
民粹主義 populism
中右聯盟 center-right alliance
愿共同努力 be willing to join hands with...
如出一轍,純屬捏造,荒唐可笑 be no different from previous ones-nothing short of sheer fabrication and ridiculous
中印尼政府間雙邊合作聯合委員會 Joint Council for Bilateral Cooperation between the Governments of Indonesia and China
中國-東盟戰略伙伴關系 China-ASEAN strategic partnership
非洲聯盟委員會 African Union Commission
中國-非盟戰略對話 China-African Union Strategic Dialogue
“不透明的石油換貸款”協議 murky oil-for-loans agreements
根據不完全統計 according to incomplete statistics
總裝機容量 total installed capacity
發電能力 generating capacity
衛星電視服務 satellite television services
中方一貫堅持不干涉內政原則 China always adheres to the principle of non-interference in other’s internal affairs.
《核態勢審議報告》 Nuclear Posture Review Report
《國家安全戰略報告》 National Security Report
《國防戰略報告》 National Defense Strategy
加劇全球戰略失衡 exacerbate the global strategic imbalance
低當量核武器 low-field nuclear weapons
自衛防御的核戰略 self-defensive nuclear strategy
以對抗視角看待大國關系 view relations between major countries in a confrontational perspective
賦予兩國關系新的時代內涵 keep bilateral relations abreast of the times
反傾銷反補貼調查 anti-dumping and anti-subsidy investigation
聯合國人權理事會 United Nations Commission on Human Rights
發布安全提醒 issue security alert
美國總統主要經濟助手 US President’s major economic aides
洲際深水無人潛航器 intercontinental underwater drones
可攜帶核彈頭的新型導彈 new nuclear-capable missiles
高超音速導彈 hyper-sonic missile
軍演 military exercise/drill
對未來發展提出一系列新的目標和規劃 lay out an array of new goals and plans for the future
核態勢審議 Nuclear Posture Review
雙反措施(反傾銷、反補貼)anti-dumping and countervailing measures
外交部拉美司 Department of Latin American and Caribbean Affairs of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
中國-吉爾吉斯斯坦-烏茲別克斯坦公路 China-Kyrgyzstan-Uzbekistan highway
國際道路貨運 International Road Transport of Goods
提供公平環境 provide a level-playing field
充分發掘經濟增長潛力 fully tap into the growth potential of all economies
志同道合 share the same principle and vision
基礎設施建設是經濟發展的重要推動力 infrastructure is an important driving force for economic development
中方一貫反對任何形式的種族歧視 China opposes racism in all its manifestations.
中非友誼經歷風雨、牢不可破 China and Africa have forged impregnable friendship after going through hardships hand-in-hand.
中非關系怎么樣,中非合作好不好,非洲國家和非洲人民心里是有數的 As regards how the China-Africa relations and cooperation have fared, no one knows better than the African countries and people.
互相刺激、激化矛盾的舉動 provocative and aggravating behavior
中巴經濟走廊 China-Pakistan Economic Corridor
對威脅的應對 counteraction to threat from.
爭議區域 disputed area
提出嚴正交涉 lodge stern representations with...
恪守承諾 honor one’s commitment
尊重有關共識 abide by the relevant consensus
避免 avoid/refrain from doing...
使問題復雜化的舉動action that may complicate the...question
營造有利氛圍 create enabling conditions for..
上海合作組織 Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO)
美國國家情報總監 Director of US National Intelligence
外空間武器化 weaponization of outer space
你提到的具體情況我不了解 I am not aware of the specific situation mentioned by you.
國際海底地名分委員會 Sub-Committee On Undersea Feature Names
國內股市大跌 decline in the domestic stock market
在美國駐華使館微博上留言泄憤[doge] use the US Embassy’s Weibo account to vent
深感痛心 be deeply saddened
直言不諱 outspoken
文在寅 Moon Jae-in
金.正.恩 Kim Jong-un
左翼聯盟 left-wing alliance
沒有法律約束力 be not legally binding
嚴重違反一個中國原則和中美三個聯合公報規定 gravely violate the on-China principle and the three China-US communiqués
中方一貫秉持綜合施策、標本兼治的反恐理念 China always upholds the anti-terrorism concept of taking a multi-pronged and holistic approach to address both the symptoms and root causes.
中.菲.南.海問題雙邊磋商機制 China-Philippines Bilateral Consultation Mechanism (BCM) on the South China Sea
取得豐碩成果 yield fruitful outcomes
屬于……國家內政 fall within...’s internal affairs
被關押/監禁 ...be behind the bars
有智慧、有能力妥善處理好當前面臨的問題 ...have/has the wisdom and capability to properly handle the current problem
朝鮮建軍節閱兵 DPRK’s military parade for the Army-Building Day
高度贊揚 highly commend...
中秘關系是中拉關系的縮影 China-Peru relations are China-Latin America relations in miniature.
挖掘互補潛力,推進務實合作 dig deeper into each other’s complementary strength and promote practical cooperation
《印度快報》 Indian Times
土地掠奪 land grab
這種說法完全是無稽之談 These allegations are absolutely nonsense.
通過聯合國途徑解決馬爾代夫問題 resolve the issues concerning the Maldives through the UN channel
密切關注 closely follow...
恢復正常秩序 resumption of normal order
聯合國斡旋 UN mediation
經濟手段 economic statecraft
高附加值產品 high value-added products
國際勞工組織 International Labor Organization (ILO)
拉美國家心里是有桿秤的 Latin American countries have a “steelyard” in their minds
重申 reiterate
南南合作 south-south cooperation (cooperation between developing countries)
一帶一路國際合作高峰論壇 Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation
克里姆林宮報告 Kremlin report
動輒使用單邊制裁或以單邊制裁相威脅 the willful use or threat of use of unilateral sanctions
中俄關系成熟穩定,不受外部環境變化影響 China-Russia relations are mature and steady, immune to the volatile external landscape.
國情咨文 state of the union
核武器庫 nuclear arsenal
緩和勢頭 sign of abatement
核裁軍 nuclear disarmament
我們主張并積極倡導全面禁止和徹底銷毀核武器 We believe in and advocate complete prohibition and thorough destruction of nuclear weapons.
受援國 recipient country
中國國家測繪地理信息局 The National Administration of Surveying, Mapping and Geoinformation of China
封存并銷毀 seal and scrap...
和平共處五項原則 five principles of peaceful co-existence
中央財經領導小組 Central Leading Group for Financial and Economic Affairs
中共中央政治局委員 member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee
共同維護邊境地區的和平與安寧 jointly uphold peace and tranquility in the border areas
處在國家發展和民族振興的關鍵階段 at the critical stage of national development and rejuvenation
堅定不移地 steadfastly
桑吉號油輪 oil tanker Sanchi
航行數據記錄儀 voyage data recorder
冒著巨大的生命危險和安全威脅 put their lives on the line and brave safety threats
這一結局是令人悲慟的 We are all sadden by this tragic ending.
大規模爆燃和毒氣擴散 large-scale deflagration and the toxic gas
中國交通部 The Transportation Ministry
國家海洋局 State Oceanic Administration
日本外務省 Japanese Foreign Ministry
嚴正立場 solemn position
制造事端 stir up troubles
四點原則共識 four-point principled position
存在異議 take exception to...
在這樣的背景下 against such backdrop
伊核問題全面協議 The Comprehensive Nuclear Deal
力圖…… in a bid to...
艱苦努力 strenuous efforts
石油污染帶 oil slick
次生災害 secondary disasters
不存在爭議 there is not the slightest dispute about...
行使主權權利,維護領土主權 exercise sovereignty rights and uphold territorial sovereignty
彈道導彈 ballistic missile
社會不安 social unrest
源于 be borne out of...
不附帶任何政治條件 with no political strings attached
竣工通車 be open to traffic
堅定的合作伙伴 staunch cooperation partner
援建項目 aid projects
在力所能及的范圍內to the best of one’s capability
人民幣匯率形成機制改革 reform on the RMB exchange rate formation mechanism
中國路橋公司 China Road and Bridge Corporation
聯合體/聯營企業 consortium
國際招標 international bidding
輪值主席 hold the rotating presidency of...
應……邀請 at the invitation of...
智利共和國 Republic of Chile
烏拉圭東岸共和國 Oriental Republic of Uruguay
及時……/未延誤做…… waste no moment in doing...
合法性與代表性legality and representativeness
規劃藍圖 chart the course for...
空洞的言辭 empty words and void promises
歐亞經濟聯盟 Eurasian Economic Union
區域經濟一體化regional economic integration
科學考察船 scientific research vessel
搬出/弄掉灰塵,重新使用 dust off
聯合國軍 UN Command
及時 in a timely manner
做大合作蛋糕 enlarge the pie of cooperation
有利條件 enabling conditions
推進器和壓艙石 propeller and ballast
通過建設性方式處理好分歧 handle differences in a constructive manner
聯合國軍出兵國 UN Command sending states
溫哥華 Vancouver
半島無核化 denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula
“雙軌并行”思路 dual track approach
“雙暫停”倡議 suspension-for-suspension proposal
一味施壓和孤立的做法只會適得其反 Facts have proven that pressure and isolation alone is counterproductive.
冷戰思維 Cold War mentality
在國際社會制造分裂 drive a wedge among the international community
六方會談 Six-Party Talks
就任外長以來第13次訪非 mark the 13th visit he has so far made to Africa in the capacity of foreign minister
盧旺達、安哥拉、加蓬、圣多美和普林西比 Rwanda, Angola, Gabon, San Tome and Principe
拓展新合作領域 uncover new cooperation fronts
充實、具體化/落到實處 flesh out
the traditional friendship between
增進彼此政治互信 political mutual trust was enhanced
mutually beneficial cooperation was strengthened
真實親誠 sincerity, real results, affinity and good faith
“恐華癥” Sinophobia
obstruction of
互利的、雙向的 reciprocal and two-way
知識產權 intellectual property
強制性技術轉讓 forced technology transfer issue
政府干預 government meddling
國際海事組織 International Maritime Organization (IMO)
大家表示關心的 much-watched
朝鮮半島旗 “unified Korea” flag
共同組隊參賽 field a joint team for some matches
ROK’s Foreign Minister Kang Kyung-Wha
證明,作證/看到 bear witness to...
The current reprieve on the
說明,表明 testify to...
必要的、友善的條件和環境 necessary and amicable conditions and environment
美國司法部 US Department of Justice
外國代理人登記法案 Foreign Agents Registration Act
司法部長 Attorney General
象牙禁令 China’s Ivory Ban
野生動物非法貿易偷獵行為 illegal trading and poaching of wildlife
狩獵紀念物 hunting trophies
《瀕危野生動植物國際貿易公約》 Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora